
Hire from Us!!

Hire the top 5% Data Science talent

Build your Data & Engineering Team with industry ready top skilled tech talent

Access top notch Tech Talent

Our students are trained in our flagship full-stack Data Science program and would be top fit for a multitude of data-oriented roles.

Intensive Candidate Training

Our training process is quite intensive, simulating a workplace environment for students to work in teams to solve industry relevant projects. With prior hands-on experience, our candidates are productive from Day 1 at the job.

Why hire from us?

  • Pool of Pre-Qualified Candidates.
  • Reduce your hiring time by 80%
  • Get trained Candidates on Several Multi-faceted Technologies at one place
  • All Year Round Hiring!

Get Job Ready Candidates with following skills

  • Data Science
  • Cloud Technologies
  • AI and ML
  • Programming
  • Web Development
  • Business Intelligence
  • Database

How it works

Book demo

Book a demo session to get detailed information on our hiring proposition

Shortlist top candidates

Save time by avoiding scrutiny on a pile of resumes. Talk to our top performers directly

Conduct Interviews

Conduct interviews on your own OR use our in-house video-interview platform to do interviews seamlessly

Start hiring the top 5% Data Science Talent!

Schedule a demo call with our placement team